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David J. Kerr (2016.)

Nagy megtiszteltetés, hogy az onkológia egyik ma élő, világszerte elismert professzora, az Európai Klinikai Onkológiai Társaság (ESMO) korábbi elnöke, a Journal of Global Oncology (JGO) folyóirat főszerkesztője elfogadta meghívásunkat, s hogy mától a Magyar Klinikai Onkológiai Társaság tiszteletbeli tagja – fogalmazott Bodoky György kongresszusi elnök David J. Kerr méltatásában.

bodoky_kerr_vBodoky György részletesen ismertette David J. Kerr munkásságát, érzékeltetve annak globális szintű jelentőségét. A kitüntetett jellemzésére pedig az MKOT korábbi években tiszteletbeli taggá avatott külföldi professzorait kérte fel.

Hans Joachim Schmoll
David Kerr is one of the most influential, innovative and successful experimental and clinical researcher in the european oncology over the past 20-30 years. By his work and his functions in the European societies, in particular as EIC of “AnnOncology” and  ESMO-president, he contributed substantially to the development of medical oncology in Europe; beyond this, his impact on the development of health system and oncology treatment of  the poor countries in the world is really strong and valuable. David is not only a very good friend, but also an important and highly valuable partner of the board of Honorary Members of the Hungarian Society of Clinical Oncology.

Jan Vermorken
I know David already for many years, but we met only a few times over those years. I know from the time he was editor-in-Chief of Annals of Oncology, when he was member of the ESMO Board and was President of ESMO. Moreover, we worked together on the Oxford Textbook of Oncology, one of the most important multidisciplinary textbooks in oncology today, of which he was the co-editor. He is a strong networker, with leadership capacity, is a kind person to talk with and excellent person to drink a beer with. I wholeheartedly welcome him into our illustrious family.

David J. KerrAlberto Sobrero
Very well deserved election to Honorary Member of the Society: David is an excellent example of merging between strong personal contribution to highly sophisticated translational research and a planetary vision of the problems of oncology from both  scientific , clinical and social prospectives.

Aimery de Gramont
David is a highly Qualified Academic  Skilled And Respectable. He is obviously the first global world oncologist: Oxford, Scotland, England, UK being too small for him. He has already reconquered the Commonwealth: middle East, India, Africa… His goal is now the universe with its galaxies, black holes and quasars!

David J. Kerr laudációja PPT formátumban itt elérhető. Budapesti előadásának diái pedig itt.