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Töltse ki Ön is! Global Oncology Workload Survey

A Magyar Klinikai Onkológiai Társaság kéri, hogy minél több hazai kolléga vegyen részt a Global Oncology Workload Survey felmérésben. Minél többen kitöltik a közreadott rövid online kérdőívet, annál árnyaltabb kép rajzolódhat ki a hazai helyzetről és gyakorlatról.

queenslogo_colourDear Colleagues in Hungary,

This survey (link below) is being sent to medical oncologists worldwide to understand current global medical oncology workload in high-income and low-middle income countries. To our knowledge there is no contemporary data to describe current global workforce demands for medical oncologists. This survey is being distributed to thousands of medical oncologists and clinical oncologists in dozens of countries. We want to learn from you about clinical volumes and other infrastructure supports available in your practice environment as well as the challenges you face in delivering care. We hope that this information will be useful to national societies in advocating for oncology-specific resources within their own health-care system.


This study has been approved by the Research Ethics Board at Queen’s University in Canada. You are under no obligation to participate. Completion of the survey will be regarded as implied consent to participate. If at any time, you have questions or concerns about this study, you may contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Christopher Booth, at (613)-533-6000 ext. 78558.  If you have any concerns about your rights as a research participant please contact Dr. Albert Clark, Chair of the Queen’s University Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Research Ethics Board at 1-844-535-2988.

Thank you for supporting this effort in global oncology,

Christopher Booth MD, Michael Brundage MD, Adam Fundytus MD, Nazik Hammad MD
Queen’s University, Canada

Gilberto Lopes MD MBA
Medical Oncology Editor, Brazilian Journal of Oncology

Manju Sengar MD
Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, India

Bostjan Seruga MD PhD
Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Richard Sullivan MD PhD
King’s College London, UK

Verna Vanderpuye MD
Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana